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A unique Middle Miocene European hominoid and the origins of the great ape and human clade




The great ape and human clade (Primates: Hominidae) currently includes orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans. When, where, and from which taxon hominids evolved are among the most exciting questions yet to be resolved. Within the Afropithecidae, the Kenyapithecinae (Kenyapithecini + Equatorini) have been proposed as the sister taxon of hominids, but thus far the fragmentary and scarce Middle Miocene fossil record has hampered testing this hypothesis. Here we describe a male partial face with mandible of a previously undescribed fossil hominid, Anoiapithecus brevirostris gen. et sp. nov., from the Middle Miocene (11.9 Ma) of Spain, which enables testing this hypothesis. Morphological and geometric morphometrics analyses of this material show a unique facial pattern for hominoids. This taxon combines autapomorphic features—such as a strongly reduced facial prognathism—with kenyapithecine (more specifically, kenyapithecin) and hominid synapomorphies. This combination supports a sister-group relationship between kenyapithecins (Griphopithecus + Kenyapithecus) and hominids. The presence of both groups in Eurasia during the Middle Miocene and the retention in kenyapithecins of a primitive hominoid postcranial body plan support a Eurasian origin of the Hominidae. Alternatively, the two extant hominid clades (Homininae and Ponginae) might have independently evolved in Africa and Eurasia from an ancestral, Middle Miocene stock, so that the supposed crown-hominid synapomorphies might be homoplastic.
机译:大猩猩和人类进化枝(灵长类:Hominidae)目前包括猩猩,大猩猩,黑猩猩,bo黑猩猩和人类。人类的时间,地点和来源,是尚未解决的最激动人心的问题。在Afropithecidae科目中,肯尼亚鳞翅目科(Kenyapithecini + Equatorini)已被提议作为人类的姊妹分类群,但迄今为止,中新世化石的零散而稀缺的记录阻碍了对该假说的检验。在这里,我们描述了一个男性下颌骨,下颌骨上有一个以前未描述的化石原始人,短尾猿无脊椎动物Anoiapithecus brevirostris gen。等。 11月,来自西班牙的中新世(11.9 Ma),可以验证这一假设。这种材料的形态和几何形态计量学分析显示类人猿独特的面部图案。该分类单元与kenyapithecine(更具体而言是kenyapithecin)和原始人的同型相结合,具有自拟形特征(例如,大大降低的面部前屈)。这种结合支持了kenyapithecins(Griphopithecus + Kenyapithecus)和原始人之间的姐妹群关系。中新世中期欧亚大陆上这两个群体的存在以及原始人型颅后体计划在kenyapithecins中的保留都支持了人科的欧亚起源。另外,两个现存的原始人类进化枝(Homininae和Ponginae)可能是从祖先的中新世中期在非洲和欧亚大陆独立演化而来的,因此假定的原始人类原始的同形亚种可能是同质的。



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